About Us
Creation Inspiration
Our Purpose
In obedience to “the call” to share God’s truth, I will write blogs about our Maker and His wonderful creation (Genesis 1:1-27). My prayer is that each reader is inspired to grab hold of the” First Cause of all things, and allow our Creator, Redeemer, and Savior to get closer to you (Isaiah 44:24; John 1:3; Colossians 1:5).
The Creation Inspiration Blog
Who Should Read This Blog?
Each of my blogs will be written to believers who:
- Know the importance of starting children off on the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6)
- Desire to grow in the knowledge of God (2Peter 3:18)
- Work in Christian ministries (e.g., Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Missionaries) (Ephesians 4:11-13)
- Seek clarity about God’s creation versus evolution. (Isaiah 42:7)
Dr. Marilyn Mitchell-Chapman
Our Founder
According to Philippians 1:6, God, who started a good work in me, will carry it on to completion, which is a process by which I am made like Christ. While the final touches will be put on at the end of time (1 John 3:2), I cannot wait around unchanged, for I am to grow in godliness. Thus, I follow the steps that God has ordered, which took me from a public school elementary education to a doctorate in Dental Surgery and on a path to share the Good News of Jesus. Both are God-ordained and traveled without fear and selfish ambition.
My trajectory in life was set in motion by three Bible-believing women who were teachers: my great-grandmother, Anna Riley, a Sunday school teacher; my grandmother, Louella Farrar, a public school teacher, and my mother, Marilyn Davis Mitchell, a lead reading specialist in the Atlanta Public Schools. These strong Christian women laid solid foundations in academics and Christian faith by grounding me in love, compassion, ethics, patience, service, and thankfulness. They pushed education because they knew it would lead to occupational and economic success. And they instilled in me that I am created in God’s image and deserve life in all its fullness. My mother also taught me household tasks, giving me my first anatomy lesson. She showed me how to cut up a chicken, pointing out the red blood vessels, the fatty tissue, the kidney, and the heart. In retrospect, that lesson gave me an edge in understanding the medical/dental school curriculum.
Eventually, my life’s journey led me on a path to a doctorate in Dental Surgery. Presently, I am a board-certified dentist under the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA), formally the North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners. I started my career practicing clinical dentistry on Embassy Row and in South East D.C. at Saint Elizabeth Hospital. I eventually settled into a solo dental practice in Prince George’s County in Maryland, practicing clinical dentistry in the D.C. metropolitan area for 20 years.
I relocated to my roots in Atlanta, Georgia, where I received a call to teach Christian Education. I applied and was accepted to the Institute of Creation Research School of Biblical Apologetics (ICR). While attending ICR, I traveled to Israel on a study tour. I completed an independent study and research assignment on the Holy Land, receiving three-course credits toward my Master’s degree: Field Studies in the Holy Land, Directed Research in Providential Geography, and Advanced Studies in Old Testament Philology. I studied Biblical Hebrew at the online language academy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. After returning from Israel, I taught Biblical studies to students from kindergarten to eighth grade at St. Stephens Christian Academy, with the mission of bringing the Bible to life by making it relevant to real-life experiences.
I received my Master’s in Christian Education and Biblical Apologetics and graduated summa cum laude. I knew I had to travel the path God ordained me to take. Although the journey was not easy, I decided to continue to completion, free of fear and selfish ambition and believing only God could have designed my life’s unique curriculum, which has prepared me to write this blog. God is Amazing!